16th October 2015

Email Marketing: Best Practices & Top Tips

Cartoon man and woman on a laptop screen with a drawn map to a target

No, email marketing isn’t dead. Whilst it’s true that 45% of people unsubscribe from mailing lists based on the fact that they receive too many from the brand (guilty), they can still be very effective if used properly.

Email marketing is still one of the cheapest and most efficient ways to market a brand of all shapes and sizes. However we (the marketers) are still looking for some magic code that heightens click-through rates and interest. We all know there isn’t one, thus constantly need to change up our strategies to keep up with an influx of different customers and types of tech.

Here are some of BritWeb’s top tips for email marketing and our best practice guide:

Best Practice Checklist

You’ve created your email campaign, and now it’s important to check that you’ve got everything covered. Use the checklist below:

What’s the relevance?

Are you just sending out an email for the hell of it? Bombarding your mailing list with emails is no longer the way forward, and will probably lead to quite a few unsubscribers.

Subject Line

Keep them short and fun. This is your make or break moment; if the subject line is generically boring, your customer won’t open the email. Many big brands are now using emoji’s in their subject lines to make them more eye-catching.

Where’s your key content?

If it’s not at the top, I don’t even want to know. Think of your email like an upside-down triangle of importance. CTA’s go at the end as a reminder of your initial point. BOOM.


Links on all images. Check. Links on keywords. Check. Links on buttons. Check. Links to social media. Check.

Top Tips:

Remember, 67% of people check their inbox from their phone. They want information that is quick to digest, catches their attention and offers them something new. Oh… and don’t forget the kitchen sink.

Get rid of your ‘noreply@’ sender emails; they will quite literally stop people from replying. Open up your campaigns to conversations with the customer with a ‘do.reply@’ or ‘please.reply@’.

No one can resist a good deal. Offer your customers more than just a long bit of text to read and they’ll love you.

Forget about frequency and try relevancy. You don’t need to send an email once a week. Infrequent emails that sound exciting will most likely catch people’s attention more than an inbox filled with newsletters from the same brand.

Want to know more about how email marketing can help you? Get in contact with our team by calling us 01403 261491.

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